Presentation Slides
Speakers have made their presentation slides available to FIL members:
Title: ILL at the University of Liège: From Fee
Speakers: François Renaville, Head of Library Systems and Fabienne Prosmans, Fulfilment and ILL Coordinator, University of Liège
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_renaville
Title: Avoiding ILL fees across the EU border
Speaker: Matt Voigts, PhD, IFLA
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_Voigts.pptx
Title: OCLC Update: Exceed your library users’ expectations with fast interlibrary loan
Speaker: Ed Davison, OCLC
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_Davison.pptx
Title: NHS ILL and SWIRLs
Speaker: Stella Scott, Hants Healthcare Library
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_Scott.pptx
Title: BL Update
Speaker: Jo Cox, British Library
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_Cox
Title: Adventures in E-book lending: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation
Speaker: Mark Hoffeditz, Tufts University
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_Hoffeditz.pptx
Title: Licensing and the Interlibrary Lending of Ebooks: Opening Doors at the University of Connecticut Library
Speakers: Michael Rodriguez, Erika McNeil, Stan Huzarewicz, University of Connecticut
Presentation slides: FIL_Feb23_McNeil
Title: ILL and Copyright,
Speaker: Kate Vasili – Middlesex University
Presentation slides
Title: Open Access: changes in publishing
Speaker: Leah Maughan, Northumbria University
Presentation slides