Booking for Interlend 2024 is now open!

Interlend 2024 will be online again this year, held on Wednesday 26th June 10:00-16:15 via Zoom.

Please join via the Zoom link, which will be sent to you following your registration. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Please note this is a draft programme and subject to change.

Session Timings Length Speaker
Welcome 10:00-10:05 5 minutes Amanda Foster, Chair of FIL Committee
Introduction to ILL 10:05-10:40 35 minutes + questions


Helen Hall, Liverpool University & Sarah Hornby Newcastle University
Report from collective licensing session workshop 10:40-11:25 40 minutes + questions


Amanda Foster, Chair of FIL Committee, Kate Parson, National Library of Sweden & Susan Mair, Copyright Advisor at Northumbria University
New CLA license and what it means for interlending 11:25- 11:45 15 minutes + questions


Kate Vasili, Copyright Librarian, Middlesex University
ILL Benchmarking 11:45-12:30 40 minutes + questions Beth Parry (Leeds University), Chris Beevers (University of Huddersfield) and Kenny Whyte (University of York).
Break 12:30-13:00 30 minutes
EX Libris on Rapido from the perspective of Cardiff with Bronwen Blatchford 13:00 -14:05 60 minutes + questions Bronwen Blatchford, Systems Librarian at Cardiff University & Judith Fraenkel, Director of Product Management & DEI Strategy
EBSCO OpenRS 14:05-14:50 40 minutes + questions Mark Allcock, Director, Product Management, EBSCO
Break 14:50-15:00 10 minutes
Update on Reprints platform 15:00-15:25 20 minutes + questions Tony Landolt, Reprints- Head of business development & Gordon Brand
Lightening talk: RapidILL Working Group 15:25-15:40 10 minutes + questions Kip Darling, IGeLU RapidILL Working Group
Update from BL


15:40-15:55 10 minutes + questions



Jo Cox, British Library


Round-up and close 15:55-16:05 10 minutes Amanda Foster, Chair of FIL Committee

Interlend 2018 Programme

Programme for Interlend 2018*

Day 1: 25th June
09.00-10.00 Registration and refreshments
10.00-10.05 Welcome and housekeeping
10.05-11.00 Keynote: Ayub Khan (CILIP President) – Rethinking the Library
11.00-11.30 Refreshments
11.30-12.15 Michael Webb & Abimbola Alayo (Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) – BaseDoc: a tool for managing inter-library loan requests
12.15-13.00 Alan Dawson (Bangor University), Marie Lancaster (Cardiff Metropolitan University) & Gareth Owen (WHELF) – WHELF Consortium ‘Reciprocal Borrowing Partnership’ – Sharing is Caring.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.45 Shirley Cousins, Copac Service Manager, Jisc and Bethan Ruddock, National Bibliographic Knowledgebase project manager, Jisc – The Jisc National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) and interlending
14.45-15.30 Saskia van Elburg & Nicola Tricker – Plymouth University Library 2018 inter library loan review and BL ILL API implementation – method and outcomes
15.30-16.00 Refreshments
16.00 – 16.45 Natalie Guest (Reading University) – Reviewing and shaping interlending’s place within your organisation
16.45–17.00 Day 1 round up
19.30-20.00 Pre-dinner drinks reception
20.00 – Conference dinner
*Programme subject to change

Day 2: 26th June*
09.00-09.30 AGM
09.30-10.30 Keynote: Donna Lanclos (Associate Professor for Anthropological Research)

10.30-11.00 Refreshments

11.00 – 12:30 Andy Priestner – Lego Serious Play (Group A) 11:00 – 11:45 Rebecca Turpin & Sophie Lindley – International Interlending at the University of Leeds Library 11:45 – 12:30 Amanda Foster & Lee Blyth – From Interlending to On Demand: the journey to digital transformation at Northumbria University Library (Group B)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15:00 Andy Priestner – Lego Serious Play (Group B) 13:30 – 14:15 Rebecca Turpin & Sophie Lindley – International Interlending at the University of Leeds Library 14:15 – 15:00 Amanda Foster & Lee Blyth – From Interlending to On Demand: the journey to digital transformation at Northumbria University Library  (Group A)
15.00-15.30 Refreshments
15.30-16.15 British Library Update
16.15-16.30 Conference round-up and close
*Programme subject to change

Interlend 2019 – help decide the location

The FIL committee managed to narrow down the location of Interlend 2019 to three locations – two left over from the vote last year and one new location, but again we need your help.

Please follow the doodle poll link and cast your vote to help us decide the location for Interlend 2019.

Each participant gets one vote and we will leave the poll running until 9th February 2018.

Take a look at the previous locations of interlend.