Apr 17, 2019 | Past Events & Conferences
(Programme subject to change)
Day 1: 24th June
09.00 – 10.00 | Registration and refreshments |
10.00 – 10.05 | Jean Christopher: Welcome and housekeeping |
10.05 – 11.00 | Keynote Barbara Band: Careers of the Future, Jobs of Tomorrow
11.00 – 11.30 | Refreshments
11.30 – 13.00 GROUP A | Visit to Belfast Central Library |
11.30 – 12.15 GROUP B | British Library update about copyright and the supply of e-chapters and scans of articles |
12.15 – 13.00 GROUP B | Denise Jones: Bits and Bytes
13.00 – 14.00 | Lunch
14.00 –15.30 GROUP B | Visit to Belfast Central Library |
14.00 – 14.45 GROUP A | Denise Jones: Bits and Bytes
14.45 – 15.30 GROUP A | Debs Jones-Davis: How we use Tipasa
15.30 – 15.45 | Refreshments
15.45 – 16.45 | Debbie Hicks: Reading Well and Reading Friends |
16.45 – 17.00 | Day 1 round up
19.30 – 20.00 20.00 – | Pre-dinner drinks reception |
Day 2: 25th June |
09.00 – 09.30 | AGM
09.45 – 10.45 | Keynote Kerr Gardiner: Analytics and ILL |
10.45 – 11.15 | Refreshments
11.15 – 12.00 | Ian Ibbotson: project re:share |
12.00 – 12.45 | Alex McIlroy: Delivering on the CLA Licence for Health and Social Care Bodies, Northern Ireland |
12.45 – 13.30 | Lunch
13.30 – 14.15 | Lucía Meijueiro Barros: Interlending at Manchester Metropolitan University: service review |
14.15 – 15.00 | Joanne Cox: British Library update Jean Christopher: Conference round-up and close |
15.00 – 15.30 | Refreshments
The conference fee includes Monday night stay and all meals during the conference. If you need an extra night – Belfast Hilton have offered the following discounted room rates: Sunday at £205 b&b and Tuesday at £184 b&b if you tell them you are with the FIL conference.
Mar 26, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
Interlend 2019 will be hosted at the Hilton Belfast on 24th and 25th of June 2019.
We will continue to update the event page here with more details as they are published. We look forward to seeing you all in Belfast!
Mar 4, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
The FIL committee now invites applications from the inter-lending community to speak and/or run breakout sessions or workshop sessions.
Interlend 2019 will be hosted at the Hilton Belfast on 24th and 25th of June 2019. The theme for Interlend 2019 centres on the changes affecting interlending practices and behaviour by new and evolving technologies and how we can meet expectations and challenges in the future, the move to more e-books; inclusive practices; collaborative innovations and reduced copyright restrictions.
Presentation/workshop topics could cover:
• Interlending & Document Supply Service Reviews
• Service Development/Practical solutions to everyday problems
• The impact and implications of copyright law
• Interlending tools and systems
• Open access
• Money Saving Initiatives
• Meeting the needs of disabled users
• International interlending
Breakout sessions are typically 45 minutes long and can be tailored to
meet the speaker’s needs – either chalk-and-talk or workshop based.
Speakers accepted at FIL events will be able to attend the conference
free of charge, along with one night’s accommodation where required and
all reasonable travelling expenses
Next steps:
Proposals should include:
• An abstract detailing your proposal (max. 800 words.) We will also
require a short description of your session (max. 50 words) which will
be displayed when delegates are choosing their parallel sessions
• A 50 word speaker biography
• Full Contact Details
Proposals should be emailed to the Chair of FIL Jean Christopher
jean.christopher@liverpool.gov.uk by 29th March 2019 after which point
they will be reviewed by the Committee. The Chair will be in touch with
all applicants after this date to confirm or decline your proposal.
Submission of a proposal does not guarantee acceptance, and the
Committee’s considered selection of proposals is final. We regret that
due to time restrictions no correspondence over the decision will be
entered into.
If you’d like to informally discuss possible
themes, topics or approaches for your sessions please don’t hesitate to
get in touch with Jean Christopher jean.christopher@liverpool.gov.uk
For more information about FIL, including how to join, please visit the FIL website at www.forumforinterlending.org.uk
We look forward to discussing your ideas further.
Feb 16, 2018 | Latest News & Updates
The results are now in from our vote for the location of Interlend 2019.
Winning by just one vote was Belfast.
See you all there in 2019.

Jan 26, 2018 | Latest News & Updates
The FIL committee managed to narrow down the location of Interlend 2019 to three locations – two left over from the vote last year and one new location, but again we need your help.
Please follow the doodle poll link and cast your vote to help us decide the location for Interlend 2019.
Each participant gets one vote and we will leave the poll running until 9th February 2018.
Take a look at the previous locations of interlend.