FIL Northumbria & Newcastle ILL Workshop Programme

FIL Northumbria & Newcastle ILL Workshop Programme

This is a free workshop event hosted by Forum for Interlending

Please share with colleagues working in inter library loans.  Attendees will be asked to complete a pre-event survey

When: 9th April



Library Workshop

Northumbria University, City Campus Library, Skills Centre 1


10:00- 10:10 Welcome- 10 min

10:10-10:40 Tour Northumbria library- 40 min

10:50-11:00 Break – 10 min

11:00- 12:20 Workshop 1- Reviewing an ILL Service- 80 min

12:20- 13:00 LUNCH 40 min (a light lunch will be provided)


Walk to Newcastle University Library


Newcastle University, Marjorie Robinson Reading Rooms Library, Academic Skills room

13:15 – 14:35 Workshop 2- Request forms- 80 min (Collaborative learning space (PRL) – capacity 24 / Academic Skills room (MRLR) capacity 40)

14:35-14:45 Break – 10 min

15:45- 15:25 Tour Newcastle library- 40 min

DEPART 15:30pm



Workshop 1: Reviewing your Service

Aim- attendees take away tools to help them plan and undertake a review of their own ILL service.  Sharing tips on how to do more on a limited budget

2 case studies- what is happening at Northumbria/ Newcastle – how did we do it?

Notes prepared about own service – discuss what key issue/ issues are worthy of review?

Why would you review?

What & how?

What would you do with the information you learn from your review?

Round up of free resources

Workshop 2: How your requests are received

Aim- attendees can describe how their borrowing requests are received and discuss pros and cons of different approaches

Facilitated as global cafe

Local picture from Northumbria & Newcastle

  • Newcastle – 1 request form for staff – separate form for students. ILL within CS, Acquisitions with C&D.  Students go via recommend a book first – journal articles/ book chapters can be requested as ILL.  Staff have choice over buy or loan
  • Digital requests can also be made directly via library search
  • All requests feed into Alma borrowing requests

What doesn’t work:

  • staff time required to tidy requests before they can be sent (missing ISBN/ title information)
  • No option to request physical items direct from library search
  • Recommend a book to ILL is a bit clunky and can slow things down for the customer

What does work:

  • Online forms can be accessed from anywhere
  • Staff have ability to check and tidy requests before being sent to partners
  • All requests accepted – less work for the customer


FIL Events 2025

FIL Events 2025

FIL Calander

We wanted to update you on FIL events planned for this year.  The FIL Committee have taken the decision to postpone the February event to November, returning to the original schedule of June and November.  The planned summer FIL event will take place online on 25th June and the Call for Speakers is now open. Please get in touch if you would like to deliver a session or lightening talk.
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding an in person event in Newcastle on 9th April.
The event will take place between Newcastle University and Northumbria University  and will provide an opportunity for networking and sharing experiences of current ILL practices, there will also be optional tours of both Libraries.
We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle and please do get in touch should you have any questions about any of the events