Aug 21, 2019 | Events & Conferences, Past Events & Conferences
13.00-13.05 |
Welcome – Jo Cox and Jean Christopher |
13.05-13.40 |
Jean Christopher – FIL update |
13.45-14.30 |
Accessibility talk – RNIB |
14.30-15.00 |
Refreshments and networking |
15.00-15.45 |
Introducing Library Hub Discover & Compare: outputs from the National Bibliographic Knowledgebase project – Andrew Hall-OCLC |
15.45 |
Wrap up and Close |
Booking form:
Please click here to book
Aug 21, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
The Forum for Interlending and Information Delivery (FIL) is pleased to sponsor one library staff member who is a fully paid up member of FIL to attend the 16 IFLA ILDS Conference at the National Library of Technology in Prague, Czech Republic from 09 to 11 October 2019. The conference is entitled Beyond the Paywall: Resource Sharing in a Disruptive Ecosystem. For more information on this conference, please visit:
- The winning applicant will have a placed booked and paid for them at the conference by FIL.
- The winning applicant will be provided with a sponsorship towards the cost of reasonable travel and accommodation for the purpose and duration of the conference up to a maximum of £450
- The winning applicant will be responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation and the FIL Treasurer will reimburse them on presentation of valid receipts, after the conference.
- The sponsored attendee will be expected to produce a report on their experiences which will be published on the FIL website and also in the FIL Journal (and on occasion present their article at a FIL event). In this way the whole Interlending community can benefit from the delegate’s insight and reflections.
- Please note that there is an embargo of 1 year on the individual or institute that is awarded the bursary.
- The draw for the winner will take place on Wednesday 5th September 2019 and the winning applicant will be contacted by email
- The written report (1500 – 2000 words and pictures) for the FIL Journal must be submitted by 1st November 2019
Please submit applications for the FIL sponsorship by email, please to Jean Christopher, Chair of FIL: Jean.Christopher@LIVERPOOL.GOV.UK
by Tuesday 4th September 2019
For more information and news on Fil sponsorships please visit: FIL Sponsorship Page
Alternatively, follow & like…
Twitter | Facebook
Apr 17, 2019 | Past Events & Conferences
(Programme subject to change)
Day 1: 24th June
09.00 – 10.00 | Registration and refreshments |
10.00 – 10.05 | Jean Christopher: Welcome and housekeeping |
10.05 – 11.00 | Keynote Barbara Band: Careers of the Future, Jobs of Tomorrow
11.00 – 11.30 | Refreshments
11.30 – 13.00 GROUP A | Visit to Belfast Central Library |
11.30 – 12.15 GROUP B | British Library update about copyright and the supply of e-chapters and scans of articles |
12.15 – 13.00 GROUP B | Denise Jones: Bits and Bytes
13.00 – 14.00 | Lunch
14.00 –15.30 GROUP B | Visit to Belfast Central Library |
14.00 – 14.45 GROUP A | Denise Jones: Bits and Bytes
14.45 – 15.30 GROUP A | Debs Jones-Davis: How we use Tipasa
15.30 – 15.45 | Refreshments
15.45 – 16.45 | Debbie Hicks: Reading Well and Reading Friends |
16.45 – 17.00 | Day 1 round up
19.30 – 20.00 20.00 – | Pre-dinner drinks reception |
Day 2: 25th June |
09.00 – 09.30 | AGM
09.45 – 10.45 | Keynote Kerr Gardiner: Analytics and ILL |
10.45 – 11.15 | Refreshments
11.15 – 12.00 | Ian Ibbotson: project re:share |
12.00 – 12.45 | Alex McIlroy: Delivering on the CLA Licence for Health and Social Care Bodies, Northern Ireland |
12.45 – 13.30 | Lunch
13.30 – 14.15 | Lucía Meijueiro Barros: Interlending at Manchester Metropolitan University: service review |
14.15 – 15.00 | Joanne Cox: British Library update Jean Christopher: Conference round-up and close |
15.00 – 15.30 | Refreshments
The conference fee includes Monday night stay and all meals during the conference. If you need an extra night – Belfast Hilton have offered the following discounted room rates: Sunday at £205 b&b and Tuesday at £184 b&b if you tell them you are with the FIL conference.
Mar 26, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
Interlend 2019 will be hosted at the Hilton Belfast on 24th and 25th of June 2019.
We will continue to update the event page here with more details as they are published. We look forward to seeing you all in Belfast!
Mar 20, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
Interlend 2019 – Do you want to be our sponsored delegate?
The Forum for Interlending (FIL) is offering sponsored delegate places at the forthcoming Interlend 2019 conference, to be held at the Hilton Belfast on 24th and 25th of June 2019.
The sponsorship award covers the cost of attendance at the conference, all meals, accommodation and reasonable travel expenses.
For more information and news on the conference go to the FIL website, FIL Twitter feed and Facebook page.
Application Process
To be considered, a letter of application should be sent to the FIL chair, Jean Christopher
This should include:
1. Full name
2. Contact details (email, telephone number, address)
3. Note of availability to attend conference if award is granted
Brief explanation of why you wish to attend, as well as the value that
you and your organisation would gain from attendance at Interlend 2019
(300-400 words)
The Committee especially welcomes applications from new professionals, library students and NHS and public sector library staff.
a condition of the award the successful applicant is required to submit
a report, evaluation or critical appraisal of the conference by the end
of August 2019. These
will be published in a forthcoming issues of the FIL Journal, as well
as being used on the Forum’s website with elements being reused in
future FIL publicity as deemed appropriate.
closing date for applications is Friday April 19th 2019. The Committee
aims to notify the successful and unsuccessful applicants of their
decision within 5 working
days of the closing date.
FIL Committee will consider all applications and make the award to the
applicant whom they believe would gain the most demonstrable benefit
from attendance.
place at the conference has already been reserved. However, the
successful applicant will be responsible for making their own travel
arrangements, the cost of which
will be refunded by FIL as part of the award.
Good luck!