Interlend 2015 Conference: Interlending at the crossroads?
The Midland Hotel, Manchester, 29th-30th June 2015
Monday 29th June
Keynote Day 1: Visitors and Residents – Useful Social Media in Libraries– Ned Potter
Investigating Interlending Resource Discovery, Sharing and Cooperation– Briony Birdi and Sophie Rutter
EThOS– Sarah Gould
Effective Communication Tips Everybody’s Talking About – Gareth Johnson
Revamping the Interlibrary Loans Department at the University of Winchester – Dawn Downes
British Library Update– Kate Ebdon
FIL Benchmarking Project Workshop – Chris Beevers and Su Fagg
Tuesday 30th June
AGM: Chair’s Report
Keynote Day 2: Threats and opportunities – navigating in stormy waters– Mike McGrath
Notes to accompany Mike’s presentation
Using Patron Driven Acquisitions to satisfy Interlibrary Loans at the University of Sussex– Annette Moore
The rise of open access– Lucy Lambe
Copyright– Lisa Redlinski
Leaning ILLs at Nottingham – Lynn Brown & Celia Hudson
Waste cats – Notes to accoumpany Lynn and Celia’s presentation