Apr 24, 2020 | Latest News & Updates
The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) Standing Committee wishes to inform you about a new initiative that the Committee is launching to facilitate international resource sharing activities during the time of COVID-19.
The global pandemic has resulted in many library buildings being closed and services moving fully online. Because of the current situation, resource sharing activities have become either impossible or very difficult to perform for many libraries. Yet, our users’ information needs remain the same or, in many cases, have increased because of the situation.
Thus, with the help of committee members and volunteering librarians worldwide, the committee has created a simple way for the libraries around the world to request the materials their users need from other libraries who can provide the materials.
We call this initiative “Resource Sharing in the Times of COVID-19 (acronym: RSCVD)” and wish to urge you to use the service. We are offering several fulfillment options:
An Open Access search tool from Open Access Button to help you find Open Access, full-text content available immediately
An article request form*
A book chapter request form*
*All requests will be fulfilled electronically, so no physical loan request is needed.
Link to Request Service: http://rscvd.org/
Link to FAQ: https://rscvd.org/faq
Upon your request, volunteering committee members and librarians will, first, verify your affiliation and make sure that the request is coming from a library, not an individual. Then, several volunteering librarians will check their collections and provide the materials through the OCLC Article Exchange Service. We cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled, but most of them will be obtainable from the vast digital collections of volunteering libraries.
As a requesting library, you will receive an email notification when the item is ready and the notification will include the link and password to receive the materials. For more information on this service please see the FAQ.
If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact ifladdrs@gmail.com
Special thanks to Joe McArthur at Open Access Button for assistance creating the web pages and search interface.
Thank you,
I wish you all stay safe and healthy.
Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Standing Committee
Peter Collins (Chair)
Ertugrul Çimen (Secretary)
Stephanie Kruger (Information Coordinator)
Faten Abdullah Barayyan
Andrew Appleyard
Seangill Peter Bae
Tina Baich
Rasha Barakat
Tainá Batista de Assis
Nicole Clasen
Filiz Ekingen Flores Mamondi
Cecilia Ericson
Ibrahim Farah
Joe Lenkart
Clare MacKeigan
Silvana Mangiaracina
Katia Medawar
Jarmo Saarti
Lei Wang
Huifang Xu
Xiaoxia Yao
Mar 17, 2020 | Latest News & Updates, Past Events & Conferences
After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel the Interlend 2020 Conference, which
was scheduled to take place 22 – 23 June 2020 in Newcastle. The FIL committee has taken
the very difficult decision as a result of the ongoing concern with COVID-19.
Our primary goal is to help ensure the safety and health of conference participants and staff.
We hope to see you at Interlend 2021 and FIL committee members would like to take this
opportunity to pass on our best wishes at this difficult time.
If you have any questions please contact us via fil.committee@gmail.com
Mar 6, 2020 | Events & Conferences, Latest News & Updates
FIL is monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the recommendations regarding events and travel provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and information from the Department of Health.
At this stage, FIL is, of course, continuing with preparations for the conference and will communicate on any changes that may arise.
Jan 10, 2020 | Latest News & Updates
Dear All,
Could you please bring the notice below to the attention of your library colleagues, and encourage anyone working in Inter-Library Loans or Document Supply to apply.
The Forum for Interlending and Information Delivery (FIL) is pleased to sponsor one library staff member who is a FIL member in good standing (£75 for institutional, £50 for individual members or £30 for retired/unwaged per annum) to attend the IFLA WLIC Congress 2020 Dublin to be held at The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) from 15-21 August 2020. For more information on this conference, please visit: https://2020.ifla.org
- The winning applicant will have a 2 day place booked and paid for them at the conference by FIL (Monday 17th August and Tuesday 18th August).
- The winning applicant will be provided with a sponsorship from the Conarls/FIL Development Fund that will cover the cost of reasonable travel and accommodation costs for the purpose and duration of the conference up to a maximum of £450
- The winning applicant will be responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation and the FIL Treasurer will reimburse them on presentation of valid receipts / statements, after the conference.
- The sponsored attendee will be expected to produce a report on their experiences which will be published on the FIL website and also in the FIL Journal (and on occasion present their article at a FIL event). In this way the whole Interlending community can benefit from the delegate’s insight and reflections.
- Please note that there is an embargo of 1 year on the individual or institute that is awarded the bursary.
- The draw for the winner will take place on Wednesday 4th March 2020 and the winning applicant will be contacted by email
- The written report (1500 – 2000 words and pictures) for the FIL Journal must be submitted by 1st October 2020
Please submit applications for the FIL sponsorship by email, please to Jean Christopher, Chair of FIL: fil.committee@gmail.com by Friday 28th February 2020
Aug 21, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
The Forum for Interlending and Information Delivery (FIL) is pleased to sponsor one library staff member who is a fully paid up member of FIL to attend the 16 IFLA ILDS Conference at the National Library of Technology in Prague, Czech Republic from 09 to 11 October 2019. The conference is entitled Beyond the Paywall: Resource Sharing in a Disruptive Ecosystem. For more information on this conference, please visit: https://ilds2019.org/
- The winning applicant will have a placed booked and paid for them at the conference by FIL.
- The winning applicant will be provided with a sponsorship towards the cost of reasonable travel and accommodation for the purpose and duration of the conference up to a maximum of £450
- The winning applicant will be responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation and the FIL Treasurer will reimburse them on presentation of valid receipts, after the conference.
- The sponsored attendee will be expected to produce a report on their experiences which will be published on the FIL website and also in the FIL Journal (and on occasion present their article at a FIL event). In this way the whole Interlending community can benefit from the delegate’s insight and reflections.
- Please note that there is an embargo of 1 year on the individual or institute that is awarded the bursary.
- The draw for the winner will take place on Wednesday 5th September 2019 and the winning applicant will be contacted by email
- The written report (1500 – 2000 words and pictures) for the FIL Journal must be submitted by 1st November 2019
Please submit applications for the FIL sponsorship by email, please to Jean Christopher, Chair of FIL: Jean.Christopher@LIVERPOOL.GOV.UK
by Tuesday 4th September 2019
For more information and news on Fil sponsorships please visit: FIL Sponsorship Page
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Mar 26, 2019 | Latest News & Updates
Interlend 2019 will be hosted at the Hilton Belfast on 24th and 25th of June 2019.
We will continue to update the event page here with more details as they are published. We look forward to seeing you all in Belfast!