May 28, 2012 | Latest News & Updates
Congratulations to Andrew Strike (University of East Anglia) on being selected as the FIL sponsored delegate at Interlend 2012!
It was very close decision and FIL would like to thank the other candidates for their applications.
May 10, 2012 | Latest News & Updates
Copac, the National, Academic and Specialist Library Catalogue, has an updated and refreshed new look. This is the first stage of a major redevelopment and work will continue, eg. to improve mobile support.
Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of over 70 major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s national libraries (including the British Library), many University libraries, and specialist research libraries.
Mar 27, 2012 | Latest News & Updates

While the excitement is building to the interlending event of the year, Interlend 2012, the FIL Committee is already starting plans towards the 2013 conference. As always we welcome membership input and recommendations for suitable locations.
Map of previous Interlend locations since 2004
We would be very grateful if you could spare a minute of your time to answer the following questions, which will be used by the FIL Committee in the 2013 conference planning.
Mar 18, 2012 | Latest News & Updates
Presentations from the Welsh FIL Interlending event, 'Are We There Yet? Document Delivery in Wales' that took place on the 9th May 2012 at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, are now available to view.
The event was sponsored by CILIP Wales with support from the Kathleen Cooks Fund.
Jan 28, 2012 | Latest News & Updates
The British Library has recently withdrawn their Integrated Catalogue and replaced it with Explore the British Library.
Explore the British Library FAQs.
Jan 16, 2012 | Latest News & Updates
FIL are once again working with Conarls and the North West Libraries Interlending Partnership to map electronic resources and related Inter Library Loan policies in the UK. A similar survey was undertaken in late 2010, the results of this can be found on the FIL website.
The comparison survey is now closed and we would like to thank everyone who participated. The results of the survey will be posted on the website in due course.